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Standing on Shoulders
Standing on Shoulders - Episode 12 - Cyril of Jerusalem Response

Standing on Shoulders - Episode 12 - Cyril of Jerusalem Response

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul..." Acts 2:42-43

On this episode, Rev. Gaunt and Rev. Kranz discuss some of the takeaways from the Catechetical Lectures of Cyril of Jerusalem. Here are some of topics covered in this episode.

  • The Steps of the Catechumenate

  • The Significance of Baptism and Post-Baptismal Catechesis

  • Balancing Doctrine and Lifelong Learning in the Church

  • Preaching as an Opportunity for Ongoing Catechesis

  • Catechesis as Formation

  • The Role of Sponsors and the Church Community

  • The Divine Service as a Catechetical Tool

  • The Importance of Awe and Reverence in Worship

  • Intentional and Thoughtful Catechesis

Needless to say, this is a rich text with much to discuss. Join in the conversation and talk back. We can be contacted at or drop a note on Substack. Thank you for listening!

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Standing on Shoulders
Reading good books. Having good conversations. That is what Standing on Shoulders is all about. Join the conversation as three Confessional Lutheran pastors read great works of the Christian Church, discuss their meaning, and ponder their significance and impact for us today.